Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blog Post #2

Did you know? I actually thought that the video was quiet interesting. The statistics very astonishing. However, to a certain degree it is to be expected. As we progress through the years with technology we are expected to change to a certain degree. It was not surprising to me that we (the United States) are further behind other countries. If we continue to use ways of teaching students that were developed over a hundred years ago then the results we will produce are going to be people with outdated knowledge.

I think that as a teacher the challenge will be to actually be able to become as technological literate as the students in other countries. Once we as teachers can progress to that level than maybe we can start to make a change in the educational setting. Technology is what the world is moving to. And to be able to produce kids that can sustain in the United States or in other countries than we need to start in the education system. It will mean that we will have to integrate technology more in our schools as a start.

Mr. Winkle Wakes. I thought that it was a cute little video. I felt sympathy for Mr. Winkle. Waking a hundred years later and seeing that everything around you changed can be a very overwhelming feeling. I understand how Mr. Winkle felt. If it was me i would just want to go BACK to sleep and not deal with the ever so changing world. LOL

The importance of this video to me is that technology is taking over whether we like it or not. Now we can either agree with it or disagree. However, disagreeing is only going to cause one to fight a losing battle. In order for a person to get in the real world and be successful and understand technology, it much be integrated in the classroom. Children need more technology in schools. If not they will get in the real world view it just like Mr. Winkle.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity
I think that he was a great speaker. He had excellent points on creativity. I like the comment that he made stating that every child is creative. I believe this to be true. What makes every child different is how they chose to express there creativity.

Cecelia Gault. After reading the article and watching the movie, i can't agree with Ken Robinson more. Technology should be used in the classroom setting more often. Creativity to me is another way of doing something. It doesn't have to be much more than that.

To insure that the Cecelia Gualt's in my classroom get the education they need, I would definitely use more technology in the classroom. I would allow the children to be themselves and not restrict them of their thinking. I would allow them to be innovative, be creative, and to be wrong. Because by making mistakes is how we as a person learn best.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students Digital Smarts This video was very interesting to me. Every Student Can Learn. I agree with this statement on so many levels. I think that when children are restricted is when they are prohibited from learning. When given just pencil and paper only certain students can learn. And this puts restrictions on certain students.

I like that she doesn't have to stand in front of the class and teach everyday. I also like how the students can teach the class. It is important that everyone knows that teachers do not know everything. And the fact that teachers and students can learn together is a great idea.


  1. We have started on a difficult task: to make use of the technological tools that will help us learn. Good luck in your efforts!

    Well done.

  2. Hey Sam,

    We met the other day in class!
    Anyway, I agree with what you've said about the videos/ articles we read, especially the idea that children are different in how they express themselves through their creativity. Also, giving them too many restrictions will limit their learning. I think what you've done so far is great! We'll get back in touch when we start our project!:]

    Jacey-Blaire Chandler

    P.s. Your blog looks good too.
