Saturday, April 9, 2011

Blog Post 11

First Graders is Ms. Casidy's Class. I thought this video was too cute but it showed a plethora of techonlogy. There were smart boards, laptops, computers, projectors, camera's and headphones. I was very suprised that these were only FIRST GRADERS!!!! They are to be very smart and technology savvy. Blogs in first grade is amazing!! Very different from when I was in first grade (coloring, matching, etc). I love that they use the technology at a first grade level, It is very age appropriate. I love how they use skype to talk to other classrooms. That is such a great idea. I think that in my class room I would like to use blogs and skpye. I think as a soon to be science teacher it will be very helpful to my classroom. I think technology has a very huge part in science and should be interesting and exciting to use. I think skype would be great to use as a prohect mechanism and blogs as a daily or weekly diary. If given the resources I would love to incorporate the things we learn in EDM 310 in my classroom.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Jude said...
    Hey Samera,
    I really enjoyed reading your blog. I agree with you about them being smart first graders. I think I said the same thing on my blog. I hope that I have the resources to use these things we have learned in EDM 310 also. Enjoyed working with you on our school projects and good luck in the future!!!

  3. Hey Samera,

    I think you are right to think that these students are really amazing. I hope that one day you can use this type of technology in your classroom. I really think that Ms. Cassidy shows a great deal of ways everyone can use this in their classroom, no matter what the age.

    Stephen Akins
